Checklist for Domestic Travel
One month prior to departure:
- Credit cards validation time.
- Drivers licence validation time.
- Insurance validation time.
- Check your travel insurance also the coverage if you are renting a car.
One week prior to departure:
- Check mobile phone connection.
- Check suitcases (locks and labels), rucksacks and other necessary bags.
- Take clothes to the dry-cleaners.
- Get the air ticket.
- Get the destination address
- Get all pin numbers needed.
- Passport.
- Air tickets.
- Hotel voucher.
- Destination address.
- Foreign currency.
- Credit cards.
- PIN numbers.
- Drivers licence.
- Insurance policy.
- Underwear.
- Pajamas.
- Socks (one
- Pants and sweat pants.
- Sweaters (sweat, common).
- Suit/dress.
- Shorts.
- T-shirts.
- Swim suit.
- Warm coat.
- Wind and waterproof outfit.
- Slippers.
- Sports shoes.
- Hiking boots.
- Mobile phone and charge.
- Alarm clock.
- Camera.
- Radio.
- VCR recorder and charger.
- Vitamins.
- Painkillers.
- Sun block.
- Alca-seltzer.
- Plaster, scissors, anti bacterial lubricants.
- Mosquito cream.
- Books and magazines ro read.
-We recommend a book in English/Spanish/German or the language you are speaking when travelling (consider a book that takes place in the country in question) - Consider a little tourist dictionary with you, when travelling to countries where English is not widely spoken.
- Little book to write notes, addresses, emails etc.
- Travel book like the Lonely planet.
- Small money bag.
- Rucksack.
- Vanity bag.
- Glasses/sunglasses.
- Needle and thread.
- Personal/Business cards.
- If your are a student bring an International student card (often gives a discount at museums and more)
- If staying with local people bring present like music, wine, candy etc. from your country.
Supplementary for a skiing trip:
- Skiing gear.
- Ski pants.
- Ski pullovers.
- Ski mittens.
- Ski goggles.
- Cap, scarf and warm undies.
- Normal mittens.
- Warm stockings.
- Stocking-foot.
- Small bag.
- Small rucksack.
- Sun block, lip- salve and other protections.
Netid whishes you a nice trip!
Author: Hákon Þ. and Stefán S.
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